Chapter V
5.1 Conclusion
Based on the researched the writer found that
happened a study on sound change pronunciation on
Thrash metal song lyrics, such as:
The pr ocess of sound vocal folds with loss of movement, not collected by
the immediate release of a voiceless consonant sound, so the sound turns into a
voiceless voiced.
Phonetic transcript [bili:v]
and that [ðæ]
Become [billi:v]+ [ðæ]-/bili:f ðæ/
Process: the interdental sound (ð)affets the labiodental voiced sound(v) so
that the noise (v) change into unvoiced labiodental sound (f).
5.1.2 Voicing
The process
of voicing of the vocal cords
during articulates with the sound of the voice channels
are on velum position
and let the air
flow and result
in aspiration before the vocal cords vibrate, the sound of voices widened,
so that the voiceless sound becomes voiced.
froze…” Phonetic transcript: heart [har:t] and froze [frouz]
Become [hart]+[froze]-/hardfrouze/
Assimilation Process: the labiodentals sound (f) affects the
voiced sound alveolar plosive unvoiced (t)so that the noise (t) change into
alveolar plosive voiced(d)
5.1.3 Flapping
The process of the sound produced by briefly touching articulator
articulation point with the process of changing the sound of a dental or
alveolar change into sound (r), in English, the
use of noise (t) and
(d) and occurs between
the vowels.
”were gathering…”
Phonetic change Gathering [gæθ∂riŋ]
Become: [gathering]-[gather]
Assimilation Process: the alveolar
sound (t) affects the middle vocal sound (e) so that the noise (t) and (e)
contact with the noise flap (r)
5.1.4 Dissimilation
The process of changing the sound of two
sounds close together, thus causing the two sounds to be not the same and
produce a sound pressure
that easily articulated and the process is very rare compared with
Phonetic transcript [brɅθ∂r]
Become [brɅθ∂r]-/ brθ∂r/
Assimilation Process: the
interdental sound (θ) affects the middle
vocal sound (Ʌ)so that the noise(Ʌ)lost unvoiced.
5.1.5 Deletion
The process of removing a segment of a particular phonetic context.
This removal process
appears in rapid speech
spoken in various
“Metal hear...”
Phonetic transcript [met∂l]
Become [met∂l]-/ [m∂tl]
Assimilation process: the
alveolar plosive unvoiced sound (t) affects the back vocal sound (e) so that
the noise (e) lost unvoiced.
5.1.6 Ephentesis
The process of entry of a segment or a non-syllabic syllabic
into a series of
Phonetic transcript [s∂mθiη]
Become [s∂mθiη]-/ s∂mpθiη/
Assimilation Process: Were added labial stop sound unvoiced (p)
5.2 Suggestion
Based on the researched the writer got six
types of sound change pronounciation in the Thrash metal song lyrics, the writer suggested
to another researcher to find another area in music to find another sound
change. The writer hopes this research can give an advantage for the linguistic
student to urge them to study more deeply about linguistic especially about
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thanks so baca,. tertarik? kase komen dang,.