Ta Dengar
That you're settled down
kalo nga so kaweng
That you found a girlnga so deng parampuang
And you're married now
kong sokaweng skarang
I heard
That your dreams came true
nga pe mimpi so jadi nyata
Guess she gave you thingspasti dia so kase pa nga samua
I didn't give to you
yang qt nda dapa kase pa nga
Old friend
tamang lama
Why are you so shy
qyapa nga malo
It ain't like you to hold back
nda sama deng nga yang bingo -bingo yaki
Or hide from the light
ato basambunyi dari cahaya
I hate to turn up out of the blue
ta binci kalo muncul kage2
Uninvitednda dapa undang
But I couldn't stay away
mar qt nmbole cuma badiang
I couldn't fight it
qt nda mampu
I'd hoped you'd see my facelia kasiang tape muka
And that you'd be reminded
kong nga da tainga
That for mekalo for qt
It isn't over
torang blum putus
Never mind I'll find
nda apa2 qt mo dapa
Someone like youorang sama deng nga
I wish nothing but the best for you
ta harap terbaik for nga
Too.. Don't forget me
kong ,., jang lupa kasiang pa qt
I beg
ta mohon
I remember you said
ta inga nga pernah bilang
Sometimes it lasts in love
kadang cinta mo abadi
But sometimes it hurts instead
mar laeng kali mo beking saki hati
(ulang 2x)
itu tu depe spanggal lagu ,., someone like you bahasa manado,., sapa tau kase trus sandiri jow depe sisa,. :)
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thanks so baca,. tertarik? kase komen dang,.